
We had our anomaly scan today. The first tear jerker was the consultant confirming that baby was alive and kicking. I had this fear that something terrible had happened. My relief at seeing Baby’s heart beating was undeniable and allowed a huge weight to be lifted. I then calmly explained that we would like to know baby’s sex.

After she had told us that what she was looking at was a very healthy baby and that she could see nothing at all wrong, and whilst measuring Baby’s head, brain and such, she said, “you’re having a boy”. Just like that. Those four words, ‘your having a boy’ rang in my ears. I wonder how many of you had clicked that my calling Baby a ‘she’ was designed to throw you all off. Now, you know what I have known all the while, that Jerry and I are having a beautiful baby boy. I was good wasn’t I? What great maternal instincts I have. Baby, when you’re reading this, don’t you listen to them. I fooled them and that is why they don’t believe that I knew all along. lol.

Ok ok. Even though my initial calling her a girl was based on nothing, I had gotten used to thinking of baby as a girl and almost 5 months later to be told we are having a son is a truly wondrous and enlightening and exciting and oddly bewildering feeling. When we heard what the consultant (who was bloody fabulous btw) had said, jerry and I got very emotional. I immediately started to see my boy. To think of all the possibilities. J is already looking forward to climbing trees with him, discovering insects and doing all things boy.

Today has been a wonderful day.My little man will soon be here with his own personality and I just can’t wait to meet him.

Good night all x

2 thoughts on “So……..

  1. Love it! Of course he`ll probably be gay designer and not into climbing trees etc. Personally love Joshua—not sure about J`s additions! Love you, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 23:03:06 +0000 To:

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